We took an overnight ferry and arrived in Crete at 6am, then went to the hotel and had breakfast where I learned of my new love of Greek pancakes! Then we went to the Archeological Museum of Herakleion. Herakleion is the capital of Crete. This museum was small, but I think the main part was closed. The portion we saw was all Minoan art. I saw so many pieces that I clearly remember from my art history class. Including the following:
Bull-leaping Fresco |
After the museum Roula took us to the center of the city and saw a famous lion fountain. People take pictures in front of this fountain when they get married or baptize their baby, that's why it is famous. It was built in ancient times to help control the fresh water supply. Roula bought us all ice cream here. She was so good to us! :)
Our next stop was the Palace of Knossos. This was supposedly the Palace of King Minos where the minotaur was kept in the labyrinth. It was really cool, although most of what we saw was reconstruction. Joe also said that we should keep our minds open to the idea that perhaps this wasn't a palace at all, but a city or town.
Line waiting to go inside throne room |
Inside throne room |
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